Friday, June 12, 2009

Discovery Zone

A few weeks ago we took Ava is a Children's Science Museum in Springfield called Discover Zone. It was a great little day trip - we ate lunch downtown, went to the museum, then got ice cream and headed home. The museum was a lot of fun. Ava's favorite part was a mock grocery store and house. We played there most of the time. This was no surprise is us - she is such a little mother Hubbard! We filled our grocery cart, checked out at the cash register over and over again. Then she would take the groceries to the "house" and cook, grill, set up the table, and feed the babies. All very to cute to watch! I had the thought that I should just set her play room up like this. But somehow I don't think it would quite have the same appeal. Although she didn't understand a lot of the exhibits - she still had a great time. It was a fun family outing!

This machine made HUGE bubble when you turned the wheel - and then when you pushed a button, the bubble would blow out and pop over your head. Ava thought it was great fun to pop huge soapy bubbles on top of Steven and I (and herself) numerous times! Oh the things we do for our kids!

Reece was quite a trooper. She just rode along in her stroller for most of the day. Such a happy baby!


Allyson Petty said...

I am so glad Ava wore a smocked dress to play in-love it!

Ashley said...

i can't believe how big Ava is getting! she looks like an "older child"! AND she looks exactly like YOU!

the concept of this type of playing is totally foreign to me! it must be so cool to watch!