Saturday, March 21, 2009

St. Patties and First Outing

Last Friday Reece and I took Ava to her dance class. It was the babes first outing, she slept the whole time! I am happy to report though that we were all clean, dressed, and at Ava's 10:00 class ON TIME - and I didn't even forget her dance shoes!!!! I know yall are all so impressed - but that is a major feat with a one week old! You forget how long it takes to get out of the house with a newborn - get Ava dressed and hair fixed, me showered, dressed, make up on, etc, Reece a clean diaper and dressed - and then you think it's time to go - but wait - I have to feed the baby first! So what seems like hours later we can finally leave. So, I was proud of myself that we got there on time!
The green pictures are Ava and our good friends Mallory and Natalie after her St. Patty's day party at school. So cute to see three girls in green - no pink! Also, notice we don't have a single picture of them all sitting up and looking at the camera.


Ashley said...

you must have gotten started getting ready at 4am to get that accomplished! congrats! i know how huge a feat that is!!

Julee said...

I love Reece's matching hat to her cute outfit!! I want to come see yall again soon!!

The Wilburn Family said...

Baby Reece is the sweetest thing on earth. I love these pictures. My girls can't stop talking about Ava's baby sister. We had a great time with Ava the other day; call us if you need a break! She is welcome to play anytime!

Kim said...

What precious girls! Reece is too cute, and I can't believe how big Ava is already! Wow time sure does fly!